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Site allocations

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:29 pm
by old biddy
I have just received a notice from SSDC advising of a 'new' consultation regarding the number of new houses to be built in Kinver. A number of us complained at the last effort that it was a nonsense that we were only being asked to consider green belt sites when here in the middle of the village permission was about to be (now confirmed) given for no less than half the number to be built on the site of the old Lowes garage. Frankly, such permission should have been withheld as it amounted to the destruction of an excellent employment facility. However, it was clearly infuriating to have a double whammy!! At least now, assuming that enough Kinver citizens register the point (Look on line at SSDC Planning), we should be saved from having one of the two massive development projects mooted for adjoining Green Belt land. It was odd that Lowes was not considered in the first place. We were told at the time that it was 'specialist' housing and so extraneous to that process. The Parish Council accepted this mantra though where it came from, heaven knows!! But hopefully, this is good news, even if one landowner has to be denied some rich pickings!!